General Segment
SUBSTANTIVE SESSION ( afternoon session)
Implementation of and follow-up to major United Nations conferences and summits: Review and coordination of the implementation of the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2001-2010.
Introduction by the Chairman :
He announced that item 6(b) was on the agenda and gave the floor to the director of OHRLLS for her presentation of the report of the Secretary general (document A/62/79-E/2007/63).
Ms. Zamira Eshmambetova, director of the OHRLLS, affirmed that the reports was showing that strong economic performance of LDCs continued but she pointed out that overall social-economic performance on African LDCs had been significantly compromised by continuing population growth, driven by the highest in the world fertility. Indeed, the African LDCs populations are the youngest in the world with a medium age of 19 years old. This suggests that many LDCs are still at the first stage of demographic transition. But by 2050, the children’s proportion in LDCs should decrease and the one of elderly people increase. According to the report, this change of the population structure will provide the LDCs with a demographic window of opportunity or “the first demographic dividend”, when every percentage point increase in the economic support ratio translates into an equivalent increase in the income per effective consumer. Then, she underlined that although agriculture is the backbone of economy in many LDCs, productive absorption of labour within agriculture wass not occurring and more poor people were seeking employment outside agriculture. Thus, low agricultural productivity, environmental degradation and challenges associated with climate change combined with rapid urbanization and fast population growth could lead to food shortages, disruption of food supplies and famine in LDCs. Achieving the objectives of the Brussels Programme requires greater donor focus on enhancing the productive capacity of the LDCs, in particular in agriculture. The report shows that only 6 out of 22 donors met the 0.20 per cent target. She concluded by saying : “commitments were made, goals and targets were set, it’s now time to act”.
Then the general discussion was opened.
Pakistan on behalf of the Group of 77 and China, notified that the report of the secretary general didn’t address the implementation of the Brussels Programme for Action from the perspective of the development partners including the results achieved by them in the fulfilment of their commitments. Then, Ms. Farhat Ayesha stressed that very few LDCs will be able to meet the objectives, goals and targets of the Programme of Action (POA) if the current trends persist. According to her, whereas the LDCs have made tremendous efforts to build an enabling national environment for the implementation of the POA, the responsive support from their development partners in terms of fulfilling their commitments made in the BPOA is insufficient and at times completely lacking. She also raised the fact that despite contributions by many donors, the non mobilization of needed resources did not so far allow adequate representation of LDCs in the ECOSOC substantive sessions. She concluded by affirming that the group was deeply concerned at the decision to assign to the High representative additional functions, which would seriously undermine the realization of the specific objectives assigned to his office.
Benin on behalf of LDCs, said that the analysis and conclusions of the report didn’t stress enough the partners’ actions for development in LDCs. He reminded that one of the objective of the BPOA was the promotion of a shared responsibility between the LDCs and their development partners. Then, he announced that in regards of the decrease of the voluntary funds allocated to permit to LDCs to participate to ECOSOC sessions, they will be forced, if the current trends continued, to strongly ask for an inscription of it in the ordinary budget of the UN. To conclude, he also expressed his disagreement concerning the decision to assign to the High representative additional functions, which would seriously undermine the realization of the specific objectives assigned to his office.
Venezuela highlighted that the progresses made have been unequal. Then, he called for a strategy of development which would correspond to their specific needs. States should be able to establish their own national strategies. He also insisted on the fact that efforts to diminish the debt mustn’t affect the development of LDCs. He informed everyone that during the 2000-2006 period, his government allocated important amounts to LDCs, but they did it without as some perverted states or international organizations do it, impose conditions on them.
Bangladesh expressed the anxiety of its country about the fact that the major part of LDCs didn’t benefit from globalisation. He said that Benin is an example which was showing that a country could make important progress by itself. He gave the example of the micro credit which has been implemented in Benin. But if the main cause of the developments lays in the national government actions, a favourable international environment is also crucial. Thus, he called for a decrease of the customs duties to the access of the developed countries market and for a favourable approach of the challenges of the climate change for developing countries. He concluded by disagreeing with the decision to assign to the High representative additional functions.
Republic equatorial of Guinea started it speech by reminding everyone that a few years ago Guinea was one of the more poorest country in the world. But nowadays if it’s a medium intermediate country, it still exists a gap between the level of the economic growth and the standard of living of the population, even if the government decided to allocate great amount of resources in the social field and for infrastructures. Thus, it will be unfair that Guinea get out of the LDCs group whereas their main resources is an exhaustive one : the fuel. In this regard, he called the international community to react to its situation.
Turkey announced its help accorded to LDCs has considerably increased this last years and reaffirmed its sustain to LDCs. Turkey also called for a better implication of developed countries.
Nepal regretted that although many LDCs countries have made progresses in the field of good governance it was not the case in the economic field and the competitive one, thus they still couldn’t take benefit from globalization. He also affirmed that LDCs must have a preferential access to developed countries markets.
According to Sudan, the issue is to know what will happen after 2010. Then, he wondered if donators’ help has been sufficient comparative to the sincere commitments of LDCs (good governance, macro economic plans, economic reforms etc). To conclude, he assured that his government tried hard to maintain the peace in the region but called for the delete of its debt.
China reminded everyone that only four LDCs have reached the objectives, so as a consequence the help for development has to be strengthened. According to China, developed countries should implement “avantages tarifaires” and “préférences commerciales” to influence a sustainable development in LDCs. Then, China said that its government implemented the commitments of the POA andis about to delete African LDCs debts which are without interests.
According to Guinea, small states have to be considered as a specific category in the process of help for development. Guinea also affirmed that the revitalisation of agriculture should be in the heart of the Brussels programme.
Luxembourg welcomed the new importance attached to agriculture. Indeed, agriculture concerns an important part of the population in LDCs, and this field has been during too long time neglected both by north and south countries. Then, he wondered if the commercial rules in force are favourable to LDCs development.
UNESCO told the assembly how they cooperate with the LDCs : in assisting them to ensure their environmental sustainability, to strengthen their access to information, to integrate in education the theme of sustainable development, to reduce their vulnerability to natural disasters, to support them in their initiatives to establish efficient sectoral cultural policies.
The Mexico resolution titled “Follow-up to the international conference on financing for development” was on the agenda.
The Chairman pointed out that many paragraphs have been taken in precedent resolutions.
Concerning the new elements and additions, on the P2, the members accepted the reference “2006/45 of 26 July 2006”.
On the P4, P5 and P6 no comments were made.
Concerning the OP4, they asked for its delete and decided to add on the OP3 as a (f) item the following amendment : “Contribute to the review conference of the meeting preparatory process in Doha in 2008.”
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