jeudi 29 novembre 2007

Group of 77 and China for UNCTAD XII

Group of 77 and China for UNCTAD XII
\u003cfont face\u003d\"Arial\" size\u003d\"4\"\>On behalf of H.E. Ambassador Clodoaldo Hugueney, Permanent Representative of Brazil and Chairman of the Preparatory Committee of the G77 and China for UNCTAD XII, \u003cb\>there will be a group meeting on Tuesday 27 November 2007 at 10.00hrs and at 15.00hrs. in Room XXVI with interpretation.\u003c/b\>\u003c/font\> \n\u003cp\>\u003cfont face\u003d\"Arial\" size\u003d\"4\"\>Agenda: Preparations for UNCTAD XII Prepcom Text. \u003c/font\>\n\u003cdiv\>\n\u003cp\>\n\u003cp\>\u003cbr\>\u003cbr\>\u003cbr\>\u003cbr\>\u003cbr\>\u003cfont face\u003d\"Arial\" size\u003d\"3\"\>Edward chisanga\u003c/font\> \n\u003cp\>\u003cfont face\u003d\"Arial\" size\u003d\"3\"\>Officer in charge\u003c/font\> \n\u003cdiv\>\n\u003cp\>\u003cfont face\u003d\"Arial\" size\u003d\"3\"\> Group Liaison Unit\u003c/font\> \n\u003cp\>\u003c/p\>\u003c/p\>\u003c/div\>\u003c/p\>\u003c/p\>\u003c/p\>\u003c/div\>\u003c/p\>\u003c/p\>\u003c/p\>\u003c/p\>\u003c/p\>\u003c/p\>\u003c/div\>\u003cbr\>\u003c/div\>\u003c/div\>\u003c/div\>",0]
Tuesday 27 November 2007

Sub-theme 1: Enhancing coherence at all levels for sustainable economic development and poverty reduction in global policymaking, including the contribution of regional approaches

Chairman asked to all members to make compromises because we need to work so fast to permit to the G77 and China to have a position paper behind the lunch.

On the paragraph 60, GRULAC requires to separate the sentence because of they need to devote one paragraph to the GSTP (Global System of Trade Preference) among Developing Countries.

In many times during the conference, the Chair invites every participant to be reasonable and very economic through amendments.

On the paragraph 61, the Assembly decides to make efforts, and the Maurice proposals accepted.

On the 62, Honduras would like to understand what the Chair wants to say when he speaks about “private sector and government”. Egypt try to insert a new sentence but Chair find a compromise with the term “compatible” instead of “harmonized”.

Secretary fined a solution with a new 62bis which contain “arbitrary” (G77 position paper).

On the paragraph 63, Perou propose to include an example with COMPAL programs (an UNCTAD program create three years ago which it benefits to the Latina American and African Countries.
To be more comprehensive, Chair wants that Perou explain the programs.
South Africa considers that COMPAC could become a platform.

On the paragraph 64, Ethiopia (assistant) and Maurice (The donor community and international financial institutions should ensure that the Aid for Trade initiative is comprehensive in scope, funding and sustainability and predictability) make amendments.

A debate is opening during the paragraph 68. Guatemala wants two paragraphs, but Iran and Maurice wants only one. Finally, Chair keeps two paragraphs.

On the 69, Asia desire to delete this paragraph.

70: Grulac asks for two paragraphs on Energy
71: South Africa adds “international development”

Chair asks to Algeria to demand to his coordinator when he wants to make an amendment. Always in the same idea, Chair wants to win time and prevent the negotiations in a last debate.

75: (b) Grulac wants to add “trade facilitation”.
(h) Maurice removes “such”.
Iran wants to discuss about his paragraph but the Chair need to go faster.

77. After an intensive debate, Chair decides to let the different example on the paragraph 77: UNCTAD has been, and should remain, at the forefront of efforts to resolve the trade and development problems associated with the commodity economy covering agriculture, forestry, fisheries, metals and minerals, energy, oil and gas.

78: (b) Chair adds “convened by members States”.
(e) Grulac adds IADGs.

82: Into this paragraph it as the Chair (in the name of Brazil) who wants to include “biofuels”.

83: in the same idea, El Salvador included “Trade and Development” on this paragraph.

Generally, the Latina American country was very active concerning “Biotrade”.


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