lundi 3 mars 2008

Preparatory Committee for UNCTAD XII: Hearing with civil society and the private sector

Preparatory Committee for UNCTAD XII: Hearing with civil society and the private sector

3 March 2008


The second hearing took the form of an interactive debate and provided an opportunity for dialogue and an exchange of views among representatives of UNCTAD member States and representatives of civil society and the private sector and parliamentarians on issues relevant to the theme and sub-themes of UNCTAD XII:
The outcome of the hearing will be summarized in a report of the Preparatory Committee to UNCTAD XII.

Opening remarks both by Ambassador Petko Draganov, President of the Trade and Development Board, and Supachai Panitchpakdi, Secretary-General of UNCTAD.

The aim of the meeting is to make UNCTAD stronger and link three UNCTAD’s pillars.
M.Panitchpakdi thanks Canada, Island, Norway and Ghana for their active (financial) participation in the process of UNCTAD.

Sub-theme 4: Strengthening UNCTAD: enhancing its development role, impact and institutional effectiveness

1. Strengthening UNCTAD: Institutional aspects


Alpha Ayande, Synergy for Development and International Partnership (SYFODIP):

The main important is to build a consensus, to focus on poor people and we need coordination between UNCTAD and civil society to strengthen UNCTAD.

Adalbert Nouga, Village Suisse ONG :

UNCTAD need to integrate factor of migration, local knowledge and support NGOs which need some funds.

Iara Pietricovsky de Oliveira, Instituto de Estudos Sócioeconômicos (INESC) :

Lack of balance and democracy nowadays (inequality rich and poor); to strengthening, the organization needs more wait. In the same time, UNCTAD helping countries to create a policy space but they’re also need to keep their sovereignty; we must create synergies between civil society and UNCTAD.

Answers of the others participants:


On behalf African’s NGOs, UNCTAD should provide advice to African countries; recommendation 6 of the high level panel is relevant.


LDCs need tools for professional service and trade; this meeting gives the opportunity to make a trade and economic network.

Philippines (G77):

Importance of consensus building: slow but dividend in the long term. Thanks to the NGOs to be here and to speak about the ground because at Geneva in UNCTAD we are sometimes out of the reality.
Because of prepcom process, G77 lack of time to organize a G77 meeting with civil society.


On subtheme 4, NGOs need to take part on the TDB (Trade and Development Board) collaborative (funds).


UNCTAD must keep on assist Developing countries and government must to bring policy space.

Slovenia (EU):

Importance of research, to strengthen UNCTAD quality is better than quantity (and set up rather than substance); we always have included civil society in the three UNCTAD’s pillars.

Brazil (G77):

Civil society brings special analyses in developing countries; we need to vtke care about the share of the migration; As M. Panitchpakdi has said on introduction, energy and climate change is keys issues for the G77, and also the importance of multilateral approaches.


It exist regional and national level to strengthen UNCTAD. The main question is: how will become more effective on the ground? We need implementation of trade rules.

Indonesia: Hope for more participation of civil society in the process.

Iran: Consensus building pillars; IPR (Investment Policy Reviews) contribute to strengthen UNCTAD.

2. Role of civil society in the activities of UNCTAD


Anne Laure Solnon, The Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (CONGO):

Stress on the importance to hearing civil society, importance of research and analysis pillar: pro active way of UNCTAD. We need a more intensive integration of civil society (as it was said on Sao Paulo Consensus).

Biro Diawara, Centre du Commerce International pour le Développement (CECIDE) :

To solve poverty issues, implement MDGs, need a new direction for UNCTAD, strategic partnership with small farmer. Keep on training program for NGOs and private sector.

Village Suisse:

Civil society should be including in the Commission on science and technology for development.


This meeting permits a fresh start between UNCTAD and civil society.

Revitalizing UNCTAD: Priority issues (sub-themes 1, 2 and 3)


Esther Busser, International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC):

Spoke about job’s inequality (improve the social condition; recall the one dollars by day).

Anne Laure Constantin, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP):

Lack of relevant things on UNCTAD XI; be careful about the volatile prices (bad effects).


To stress UNCTAD on the issue of promote commodities (oil, food…).


We’ve a lack of financial resources in Africa so we need to strength UNCTAD to strength Africa.

Closing remarks

UNCTAD must stay on the spirit of cooperation.


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