jeudi 29 novembre 2007

UNCTAD - Preparatory Committee for UNCTAD XII (Fifth meeting)

UNCTAD - Preparatory Committee for UNCTAD XII (Fifth meeting)

29 November 2007

All the discussion on this day was almost the fact of G77 and China and the EU.

G 77 is the most important speaker. The group makes a lot of amendments in every paragraph.
In opposed to G77 representative, Portugal (EU speaker) decides to make only short remarks.
Japan requires comments on some paragraph.

Regarding to the paragraph 52, Japan thinks that “Climate Change claiming” mustn’t to be included in UNCTAD paper.
On contrary, Brazil needs to take into account the climate change in the different economic discussions (biotrade).

Brazil keep on being very pro-active in the negotiation, G77 makes many amendments in several sentences.

In many times, Portugal wishes to delete some paragraphs or sentences.

EU tries to include the word “sustainable” when we speak about “development” (paragraph 58).

G77 asks to do one paragraph to take into account the GSTP. So they want to separate the paragraph 60 to create the paragraph 60 bis.

In this paragraph, Portugal wants to delete the word “new protectionism”.

G77 try to include “predictability” on the paragraph 64.

Brazil was dynamic because of many claiming of the G77 members.

During the meeting, Portugal says “ok the important isn’t the word that we choose but the fact that we discuss on”.

In paragraph 66, Portugal decides to delete the word “tourism”.


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